Friday, December 10, 2010

Talks given at Delbert William Alvey's funeral services:

Larry Wiser: Friend and Home Teacher

October 28, 2010

I hope you people realize, this is not easy for me. I use to talk Mary and Deb to death when I would go to their house home teaching. They endured, and I was right proud of them. It mentions on the program that I am a friend. That is a great title for me. I am proud to have that distinction. They have always been a good friend to me. I remember the first time I ever saw Mary and Deb. I was sent up the ditch by my father to turn the water in. As I came back down the ditch to see that the water got back home, there was Mary and Deb bent over a couple of beet rows going right after it. The dust flew and the weeds were gone. They really struggled together. They were a great team. Both of them. The tugs were tight and the collar was close on their necks. They did a job that had to be done and it was not easy, but they accomplished that job. I can remember many incidences in my life that I had the honor of going home teaching in their home. I took a companion, a young man, and they welcomed us at the door...both of them. With a smile on their face and a hearty hand grip. We were always made welcome when ever we showed up. We tried to go faithfully and they put up with us. I am grateful for the friendship they gave to us as home teachers. I took on a new companion, an x-Bishop. I wore out that companion, Brother Hall, he put up with me a long time. I then put my wife into service. She was really good to keep me in line and keep me going to do my job. I really appreciated that. My friendship to them has been really valuable to me in my life.

I ran across this poem I would like to share with you.

New friends I cherish and treasure their worth
but old friends to me are the salt of the earth.
Friends are like garments that everyone wears.
New ones are needed for dress up affairs,
but when we are at leisure we are more apt to choose
the clothes we have purchased with laces and shoes.
The things we grow used to are the things we love best
the ones we are certain have weathered the test.
And isn’t it true since we are talking of friends
that new ones bring pleasure when everything blends?
But when we want someone who thinks as we do
and fits, as I said, like last summer shoe.
We turn to the friends who have stuck through the years
who echo our laughter and dry up our tears.
They know every weakness and fault we possess,
but they somehow forget them when friendships caress.
The story is old, but fragrant and sweet
and I’ve said it before but let me repeat:
New friends I cherish and treasure their worth
but old friends to me are the salt of the earth.

Now there are a few thing that Bobbie left out about her father and mother. She almost told everything. We appreciate her effort and the wonderful story she told. I remember going to their home to home teach one evening. With great pride they bought out a letter from the President of the United States of America. It congratulated them on a marriage of 70 years. They were proud of that and I think that was a wonderful mark that they made.

My friend he passed away one day. His sweet wife gave me a call and then gave me another call to give this talk. I have had a hard time giving it. He has been a good friend to me, both of them have. I appreciate the effort Mary has made in raising her family.

I ran across this story that says this...
The clock of life is wound but once. And no man has the power to know just when the hands will stop, whether at a late or early hour. Now is the only time we own to live and love and work our will. Don’t wait until tomorrow because tomorrow the clock may be still.

Well, his clock finally wound down. He did not know when and I’m sure it was a surprise. And those were probably the words that he used...WOW WHAT A RIDE!!

Bishop Kent ButtarsLewiston Second Ward
October 28, 2010

Thank you Bishop Hill. That was a beautiful talk and message, beautiful music and the words that Bobbie has shared and the talk from Brother Wiser were wonderful.

I was out of town when Deb passed away. I called and talked to my counselor, Clyde Smith, and he was already on his way there. I was glad for that. He and I went the next day which was Sunday and spoke with Mary and Billie and had a good talk. I think I learned more in that hour then I knew in my whole life about Deb and Mary. It was such a sweet experience. I wish all of you could have been there and heard the beautiful things Mary said about Deb, their relationship and their 70 plus years together. I spoke to Mary at that time, if you think of all humanity, all the couples that were ever married, how many of them had the opportunity to be together that long and to live independently, and to love and cherish one another, support one another and to live such a wonderful life...very very few...such a great blessing for them. Certainly death is never timely, but what a blessing that Deb was able to pass away when he did with family around him and loved ones there to help and support Mary at that time. Such a blessing as you think back and think about how all of that takes place. I testify to you that Gods hand is in our life. Sometimes we have a hard time seeing it and sometimes we feel we are all alone. God lives and he loves each of us and wants the best for us. That is why he sent his son to bridge the gap of death that was caused by the fall of Adam. From 1st Corinthians chapter 15 one of the missionary scriptures I learned a long time ago “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” This is such a blessing that we here in mortality can look into the eternities and know that we will be able to see loved ones and be able to live together and to be able to continue on in life on the other side of the veil.

I was in a PEC meeting several weeks ago and Sister Smith spoke about how Brother Alvey was not doing very well. I thought I need to get down there and see them. Between the corn harvest and traveling I did not get there and I have felt very bad for that. As I was out in the corn field one day chopping corn, up the road comes this old white dodge pickup and there were Brother Alvey and Mary, and he was driving her to see Dr. Hurst. I thought now wait a minute... was that right what I heard about Deb or was it not right? Then a few days later I was in front of my house and that white pickup drove by again and this was only two weeks ago.

If Deb could have had a choice when to leave mortality I’m sure he would not have left until Mary did. He was there for her and she was there for him. The song “The Wind Beneath My Wings” was Mary’s request and she spoke Sunday about how Deb loved that song and how she felt that she was the wind beneath his wings. I’m sure that is true.

It was such a sweet blessing to know Deb. There have been such sweet memories that have been shared and if each of you would take the time to write down your feelings and memories of today. Make note of it so you can look back at the wonderful life of Deb and remember this day and the beautiful things that were said. He was such a great man. He was proud of his family his children and great grandchildren. He was proud of the garden he grew. I’m sure he was proud of his life and how he provided for his family. He was proud of his life together with Mary.

Let me share with you my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don’t think Deb would like this to be really preachy. He was not here at the church a lot, but I know he had a testimony of Jesus Christ and of the power of prayer. I enjoyed the visits that we had in their home. We can all learn much from this great man. I hope we can all look into his life and find those things that can benefit, sustain, and help our life so that we can be better and love and live closer to one another. And I share that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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